“Once again I am leaving home, turning into a traveler. Travel isn’t just a passion for me; it’s an identity that has wrapped and tangled its branches and tendrils around me so intricately that I can’t see through the thicket sometimes. I don’t stop to think about why it’s so important for me to be able to move around from place to place. I just do it: I pack up and go.
"There is probably nothing more disconcerting, more terrifying, for hard-core travelers to contemplate than the life of a tree. A traveler is by definition footloose; trees send down deep, abiding roots. They don’t stay put because they are timid or incurious or on a budget, or because they have demanding jobs or family obligations. Trees stay where they are because if they abandon their point of origin they will cease to exist.”
Daisann McLane, Nat Geo Traveler March-April 2012 Issue